姓 名:陈学明

职 称:研究员(自然科学)/教授
邮 箱:[email protected](首选)或 [email protected]
Ø 2013.10-2017.05,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,环境工程专业,博士学位(导师:倪丙杰 教授、袁志国 院士)
Ø 2008.09-2012.06,河海大学,给水排水工程专业,学士学位
Ø 2020.07-现在,研究员(正高)/福建省闽江学者特聘教授/福建省“百人计划”创新人才,博彩平台推荐
Ø 2024.01-2024.03,访问教授/JSPS Invitational Fellow,日本东北大学土木与环境工程系(合作者:李玉友 教授)
Ø 2017.08-2020.07,博士后/欧盟玛丽居里学者,丹麦技术大学化工系(合作者:Gürkan Sin 教授)
Ø 副主编/编委:Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management等十余个学术期刊
Ø 委员:国际水协会Modelling and Integrated Assessment专家组管理委员会、中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会等
v 总结
在国际顶级期刊(Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等)发表100余篇论文,h指数为34。
v 代表性论文(一作/通讯)
41. Yu, Q., Wu, S., Yang, L.*, Chen, X.*, Tao, M., Wu, Y., He, X., Bai, L., Meng, S. (2025) New insights to chlorination-induced chemical bond cleavage in polyamide membranes: Degradation mechanisms and the role of calcium and magnesium ions, Chemical Engineering Journal. XXX, XXXXXX. * joint corresponding author
40. Yang, L.*, Yu, H., Zhao, H., Xia, C., Yu, Q., Chen, X.*, Cao, G., Cai, L., Meng, S., Tang, C.Y. (2025) Degradation of polyamide nanofiltration membranes by free chlorine and halide ions: kinetics, mechanisms, and implications, Water Research. 272, 122963. * joint corresponding author
39. Liao, X., Deng, R., Yang, L., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2025) Revisit the Role of Hydroxylamine in Sulfur-Driven Autotrophic Denitrification. Water Research. 268, 122596. * corresponding author
38. Zhang, Y., Lin, Y., Shi, Y., Yang, L., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2024) Efficient degradation of chloroquine via pyrite-modified electro-Fenton yielding •OH and O2•-. Journal of Cleaner Production, 483, 144256. * corresponding author
37. Lin, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Lv, Y., Yang, L., Chen, Z., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2024) Efficient degradation and mineralization of polyethylene terephthalate microplastics by the synergy of sulfate and hydroxyl radicals in a heterogeneous electro-Fenton-activated persulfate oxidation system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 478, 135635. * corresponding author
36. Zhu, Y., Hou, J., Meng, F., Lu, H., Zhang, Y., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2024) Role of Comammox Bacteria in Granular Bioreactor for Nitrogen Removal via Partial Nitritation/Anammox. Bioresource Technology. 406, 131070. * corresponding author
35. Chen, X., Chen, S., Chen, X., Tang, Y., Nie, W.-B., Yang, L., Liu, Y., Ni, B.-J. (2024) Impact of hydrogen sulfide on anammox and nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation coupled technologies. Water Research. 257, 121739.
34. Chen, B., Li, F., Lin, Y., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2024) Degradation of chloroquine by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: performance, mechanisms and associated impact on N2O production. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(10), 4662-4669. * corresponding author
33. Hou, J., Zhu, Y., Liu, J., Lin, L., Zheng, M., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2024) Competitive Enrichment of Comammox Nitrospira in Floccular Sludge. Water Research. 251, 121151. * corresponding author
32. Huo, P., Deng, R., Yang, L., Liu, Y., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. Chen, X.* (2023) Exposure of sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification to hydroxylamine/hydrazine: Underlying mechanisms and implications for promoting partial denitrification and N2O recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 477, 146943. * corresponding author
31. Chen, X., Zhao, Q., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2023) Impacts of granular sludge properties on the bioreactor performing nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation/anammox processes. Bioresource Technology. 386, 129510. * corresponding author
30. Lin, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Chen, J., Wei, W., Yang, L., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2023) Efficient chloroquine removal by Electro-Fenton with FeS2 modified cathode: Performance, influencing factors, pathway contributions and degradation mechanisms. ACS ES&T Water. 3(8), 2786-2796. * corresponding author
29. Zhu, Y., Hou, J., Liu, J., Huo, P., Yang, L., Zheng, M., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J., Chen, X.* (2023) Model-based development of strategies enabling effective enrichment and application of comammox bacteria in floccular sludge under mainstream conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 895, 165051. * corresponding author
28. Chen, X., Wang, D., Nie, W., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. Chen, X.* (2023) Impacts of biofilm properties on start-up and performance of membrane biofilm reactor performing anammox and nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation integrated processes: A model-based investigation. ACS ES&T Water. 3(4), 1141-1149. * corresponding author
28. Deng, R., Huo, P., Chen, X.*, Chen, Z., Yang, L., Liu, Y., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2023) Towards efficient heterotrophic recovery of N2O via Fe(II)EDTA-NO: A modeling study. Science of the Total Environment. 859, 160285. * corresponding author
26. Chen, X., Chen, X.*, Zeng, R.-J., Nie, W., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2023) Instrumental Role of Bioreactors in Nitrate/Nitrite-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation-Based Biotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment: A Review. Science of the Total Environment. 857, 159728. * corresponding author
25. Huo, P., Deng, R., Chen, X.*, Yang, L., Liu, Y., Wu, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2023) Model-based evaluation of N2O recovery as an energy source in sulfur-driven NO-based autotrophic denitrification. Chemical Engineering Journal. 453, 139732. * corresponding author
24. Lin, Y., Huo, P., Li, F., Chen, X.*, Yang, L., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Ni, B.-J., Zhou, M. (2022) A critical review on cathode modification methods for efficient Electro-Fenton degradation of persistent organic pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal. 450, 137948. * corresponding author
23. Chen, X.*, Li, F., Huo, P., Liu, J., Yang, L., Li, X., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2022) Influences of longitudinal gradients on methane-driven membrane biofilm reactor for complete nitrogen removal: A model-based investigation. Water Research. 220, 118665. * corresponding author
22. Chen, X.*, Liu, J., Huo, P., Li, F., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2022) Influences of granule properties on the performance of autotrophic nitrogen removal granular reactor: a model-based evaluation. Bioresource Technology. 356, 127307. * corresponding author
21. Chen, X., Chen, H., Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J.* (2022) A Comprehensive Analysis of Evolution and Underlying Connections of Water Research Themes in the 21st Century. Science of the Total Environment. 835, 155411.
20. Chen. X.*, Li. F. (2022) Bibliometric Analysis of N2O Research in Wastewater Systems in 2000-2020. Environmental Engineering. 40(6), 92-96, 279. * corresponding author (中文核心)
19. Huo, P., Chen. X.*, Yang, L., Wei, W., Ni, B.-J. (2022) Modeling of Sulfur-Driven Autotrophic Denitrification Coupled with Anammox Process. Bioresource Technology. 349, 126887. * corresponding author
18. Chen, X.*, Huo, P., Liu, J., Li, F., Yang, L., Li, X., Wei, W., Liu, Y., Ni, B.-J.* (2021) Model Predicted N2O Production from Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor is Greatly Affected by Biofilm Property Settings. Chemosphere. 281, 130861. * joint corresponding authors
17. Zuo, L., Yao, H.*, Li, H., Jia, F., Wei, W., Liu, Y, Ni., B.-J., Chen, X.* (2021) Modeling of Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Process with Salt and Glycine Betaine Addition. Chemosphere. 264, 128474. * joint corresponding authors
16. Chen, X.*, Yang, L., Sun, J., Wei, W., Liu, Y., Ni, B.-J.* (2020) Influences of Longitudinal Heterogeneity on Nitrous Oxide Production from Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor: A Modeling Perspective. Environmental Science & Technology. 54(17), 10964-10973. * joint corresponding authors
15. Chen, X.*, Rodríguez, Y., López, J., Muñoz, R., Ni, B.-J., Sin, G. (2020) Modeling of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis from Biogas by Methylocystis hirsuta. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 8(9), 3906-3912. * corresponding author
14. Chen, X.*, Mielczarek, A.T., Habicht, K., Andersen, M.H., Thornberg, D., Sin, G*. (2019) Assessment of Full-Scale N2O Emission Characteristics and Testing of Control Concepts in an Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant with Alternating Aerobic and Anoxic Phases. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(21), 12485-12494. * joint corresponding authors
13. Chen, X., Yang, L., Sun, J., Dai, X., Ni, B.-J. (2019) Modelling of Simultaneous Nitrogen and Thiocyanate Removal through Coupling Thiocyanate-Based Denitrification with Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation. Environmental Pollution. 253, 974-980.
12. Chen, X., Sin, G., Ni, B.-J. (2019) Impact of Granule Size Distribution on Nitrous Oxide Production in Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Granular Reactor. Science of the Total Environment. 689, 700-708.
11. Chen, X.*, Ni, B.-J*. Sin, G. (2019) Nitrous Oxide Production in Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Granular Sludge: A Modeling Study. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 116(6), 1280-1291. * joint corresponding authors (Editor’s Choice Article)
10. Chen, X., Lai, C.-Y., Fang, F., Zhao, H.-P., Dai, X., Ni, B.-J. (2019) Model-Based Evaluation of Selenate and Nitrate Reduction in Hydrogen-Based Membrane Biofilm Reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 195, 262-270.
9. Chen, X., Yuan, Z., Ni, B.-J. (2018) Nitrite Accumulation inside Sludge Flocs Significantly Influencing Nitrous Oxide Production by Ammonium-Oxidizing Bacteria. Water Research. 143, 99-108.
8. Chen, X., Liu, Y., Peng, L., Ni, B.-J. (2017) Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Sulfate Reduction in Hydrogen-Based Membrane Biofilm Reactor: Model-Based Evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 316, 82-90.
7. Chen, X., Ni, B.-J. (2016) Anaerobic conversion of hydrogen and carbon dioxide to fatty acids production in a membrane biofilm reactor: A modeling approach. Chemical Engineering Journal. 306, 1092-1098.
6. Chen, X., Ni, B.-J. (2016) Model-based evaluation on simultaneous nitrate and arsenite removal in a membrane biofilm reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 152, 488-496.
5. Chen, X., Guo, J., Xie, G.-J., Yuan, Z., Ni, B.-J. (2016) Achieving complete nitrogen removal by coupling nitritation-anammox and methane-dependent denitrification: A model-based study. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 113(5), 1035-1045.
4. Chen, X., Liu, Y., Peng, L., Yuan, Z., Ni, B.-J. (2016) Model-based feasibility assessment of membrane biofilm reactor to achieve simultaneous ammonium, dissolved methane, and sulfide removal from anaerobic digestion liquor. Scientific Reports. 6, 25114.
3. Chen, X., Guo, J., Xie, G.-J., Liu, Y., Yuan, Z., Ni, B.-J. (2015) A New Approach to Simultaneous Ammonium and Dissolved Methane Removal from Anaerobic Digestion Liquor: A Model-Based Investigation of Feasibility. Water Research. 85, 295-303.
2. Peng, L.*, Chen, X.*, Xu, Y., Liu, Y., Gao, S.-H., Ni, B.-J. (2015) Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals in Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor for Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal: A Model-Based Evaluation. Journal of Membrane Science. 494, 39-47. * joint first authors
1. Chen, X., Guo, J., Shi, Y., Hu, S., Yuan, Z., Ni, B.-J. (2014) Modeling of Simultaneous Anaerobic Methane and Ammonium Oxidation in a Membrane Biofilm Reactor. Environmental Science & Technology. 48(16), 9540-9547.
Ø 2024,2023年Environmental Science & Technology最佳综述论文奖(Third joint runner-up)
Ø 2024,福建省引进海外高层次人才晋级
Ø 2023,获Results in Engineering(工程前沿)2023年度优秀青年科学家奖
Ø 2022,获第十五届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
Ø 2021,被认定为福建省引进海外高层次人才
Ø 2020,入选2019年福建省“闽江学者奖励计划”特聘教授
Ø 2019,获昆士兰大学优秀博士论文奖
Ø 2018,入选欧盟玛丽居里学者人才计划
Ø 2024,研究生国家奖学金(侯*颖、陈*颖、陈*凯)
Ø 2024,2024年硕士研究生综合优秀学业奖学金(陈*妍、林*辉)
Ø 2024,2024年硕士研究生中期优秀学业奖学金(朱*、侯*颖、陈*凯)
Ø 2024,福州大学2022-2023学年研究生校级优秀学位论文(霍*飞)
Ø 2023,研究生国家奖学金(邓*桦、朱*)
Ø 2023,2023年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(陈*儒、陈*铮、陈*欣)
Ø 2023,福州大学2023届优秀本科生毕业设计(论文)(赵*)
Ø 2023,2023年硕士研究生综合优秀学业奖学金(霍*飞、刘*忠、李*仪)
Ø 2023,2023年硕士研究生中期优秀学业奖学金(邓*桦、陈*妍、林*辉)
Ø 2023,2023届优秀毕业生(霍*飞(研究生)、赵*(本科生))
Ø 2022,研究生国家奖学金(霍*飞)
Ø 2022,研究生中期奖学金(霍*飞、刘*忠)