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2005.10-2007.5 德国国家环境与健康研究中心 访问学者及博士研究工作
2003.9-2007.6 福州大学化学学院 分析化学理学博士
2020.11-至今 博彩平台推荐
2000.11-2020.11 福州海关(原福建出入境检验检疫局)技术中心 技术部主任/研究员
ISO/TC45 国际标准化委员会橡胶与橡胶制品技术委员会委员,ASTM美国材料与试验协会(前国际材料与试验协会)委员,全国制鞋标准化技术委员会化学性能工作组副秘书长,福建省数字环境与健康科技融和服务平台主任,进出口商品检验专业技术委员会消费品品安全分专业委秘书,国家认证认可监督管理委员会轻工专业委委员,多个期刊编委。
序号 |
项目 |
项目名称 |
项目说明 |
1 |
国家重点研发项目 |
建筑建材及材料领域重要国际标准研究(SQ2018YFF020123) |
已完成, 子课题负责人 |
2 |
ISO国际标准 |
橡胶及橡胶制品中2-巯基苯并噻唑的测定 (ISO 21490) |
已发布 排名第一 |
3 |
ASTM 国际标准 |
Standard Test Method for Rubber Compounding Materials—Determination of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) in Rubber1 (ASTM D8411 − 21) |
已发布 排名第一
4 |
福建省级平台项目 |
福建省科技经济融合服务平台 (2021) |
在研 项目负责人 |
5 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
基于CRISPR/Cas14和多通道芯片的抗生素类新污染物现场快速检测技术研究及应用(2022N002) |
在研 项目负责人 |
6 |
福州市菜篮子工程项目 |
水果果实心腐病快速无损检测技术研究与应用(2022FZK0101) |
在研 项目负责人 |
7 |
福州市科技计划项目 |
水产原料及其制品中抗生素残留荧光可视化检测方法研究(2021N-133) |
在研,合作单位负责人 |
8 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
食品接触产品中酰胺类物质的靶向灵敏检测与风险分析研究(2018Y0084) |
第一完成人 |
9 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
食品接触产品中新型抗氧剂的检测与风险分析(2016Y0084) |
第一完成人 |
10 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
食品接触产品中抗菌剂高灵敏快速检测与风险评估(2014Y0001) |
第一完成人 |
11 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
食品接触材料中内分泌干扰物高通量快速检测与风险评估研究(2011Y0001) |
第一完成人 |
12 |
2013年度质检总局科技计划项目 |
便携式纳米电化学生物传感快速检测系统研发及在消费品中酚类内分泌干扰物检测的应用(2013IK103) |
第一完成人 |
13 |
国家人力资源和社会保障部2009年度留学人员科技活动项目择优经费资助(优秀类项目文) |
复杂基体中群体感应信号分子高分辨技术研究(人社厅函[2009]416号) |
第一完成人 |
14 |
2011年度国家引进国外技术、管理人才项目(闽人外专[2011] 20号) |
食品接触材料中内分泌干扰物高通量检测技术研究20113500027 |
第一完成人 |
15 |
2011年度福建省闽港合作项目资助 |
食品接触材料中内分泌干扰物高通量检测技术研究(MG201111) |
第一完成人 |
16 |
海关总署科研项目 |
口岸肉类食品真实性快速鉴别关键技术研究 |
第二完成人 |
17 |
国家质检总局科技计划项目 |
塑料食品接触材料中荧光增白剂的检测技术、迁移规律及迁移数学模型研究》(2013IK204) |
第二完成人 |
18 |
福建省科技重点项目 |
塑料食品接触材料中三聚氰胺的检测、迁移、风险评估与工艺控制研究(2009Y0001) |
第三完成人 |
19 |
国家质检总局科技计划项目 |
蜜胺餐具中三聚氰胺及其衍生物的检测、迁移与风险评估系统研究 |
第三完成人 |
20 |
福建省重点引智项目SZ2010004(闽人外专[2010]39号) |
引进荷兰瓦格林根大学食品安全检测分析技术》 |
第三完成人 |
[1] XiaojingLi*, Zhuozhuo Wang, Xiaojia Huang. Preparation of monolith-based adsorbent containing abundant functional groups for field entrapment of nitrogen and sulfur containing aromatic compounds in environmental aqueous samples with portable multichannel in-tip microextraction device. Journal of Chromatography A. 2022 (1676): 463260
[2] Hexun Chen, Jiangyi Wu, Qingbiao Xiong, XiaojingLi*, Xiaojia Huang. Efficient capture of fluoroquinolones in urine and milk samples with multi-monolith fibers solid phase microextraction based on hybrid metal-organic framework/monolith material. Microchenmical Journal . 2023 (189): 108575
[3] Xueyi Zheng; Qiaocheng Feng; Jingru Chen; XiaojingLi, Liangqia Guo. Quantification analysis of microplastics released from disposable polystyrene tableware with fluorescent polymer staining. Food Control 2022 (864): 161155
[4] Weihua Wu,Dandan Zhang, Ye He, Jie Cao, XiaojingLi*, Identification of the age of white tea using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS). Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2022;36:e 9215
[5] Dandan Zhang, WeihuaWu, XiaohongQiu, XiaojingLi*, et al. Rapid and direct identification of the origin of white tea with proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectro metry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2020; 34:e8830.
[6] Lijun Lu,Wenming Xiong, Xiaojing Li*,Shuiyuan Lv, Xi Tang, Minshi Chen, Zhexiang Zou, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu, and Guonan Chen. Determination of the migration of eight parabens from antibacterial plastic packaging by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Method, 2014, 6: 2096-2101
[7] Zhen Cheng, Xiaojing Li*, Zhexiang Zou, Xi Tang, Jie Yang, et al. Determination of five amides in food contact materials by GC/MS[C]. 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2018), 2018.
[8] Xiaojing Li*, Wenming Xiongb, Ling Hua. Analysis of 16 phthalic acid esters in food simulants from plastic food contact materials by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36(3):477-484
[9] Zhen Cheng, Zhexiang Zou, Xi Tang, Minshi chen, Xiaojing Li*. Determination of five amides in food contact material by GC/MS. 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2018), volume 164: 635 (EI收录)
[10] Guixiao Jin, ChunmeiWang, LinlinYang, XiaojingLi, Hyperbranched rolling circle amplify-cation based electrochemiluminescenceapta sensor for ultrasensitive detection of thrombin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015 (63): 166–171 (IF=10.257,JCR=Q1)
[11] Li Xiaojing*, Chen Minshi, Dai Jinlan, Lu Lijun, Tang Xi, Zou Zhexiang, Liu Huajian. Novel aptamer probe for detecting biphenol A based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Mechatronics Electronic Industrial and Control Engineering (MEIC 2014),Nov. 17-19, 2014, Shenyang: 825-828
[12] Xiaojing Li*, Xi Tanga, Xuehui Zhoua, Minshi Chena, Jinlan Daia, Wenming Xiongb, Zhexiang Zoua, Shuiyuan Lva, Hua Lin, Ming Liang. Determination of eight parabens in water-based food simulants migrated from antibacterial plastic packaging by LC/MS/MS. Applied Mechanics and Materials. (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Vols. 333-335 (2013): 1993-1997
[13] Xiaojing Li*, Wei Jing, Shuiyuan Lv et al. Simultaneous determination of melamine, ammelide, ammeline, and cyanuric Acid in food contact material by HPLC-MS. The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2011), Proceedings-Volume 5, May 10-12, 2011 Wuhan: 4797-4799
[14] Li Xiaojing*, Jing Wei, Tang Xi, Tang Hong, Jiang Xiaoli, Xiong Wenming, Zheng Zhenzhu. Determination of 18 plasticizers in food contact products by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. 37 th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques [HPLC 2011 Dalian]. Proceedings Part A: Oral lectrures, October 8-11, 2011 Dalian: 195(通讯作者,国际会议口头报告,并作Food Analysis分会副主席)
[15] Wei Jing, Shuiyuan Lv, Xiaojing Li*, Xiaofen Jiang et al.. Determination of melamine in dairy products and melamine tableware by inhibition electrochemiluminescent method. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 29: 1601-1605
[16] Xiaojia Huang, Yulei Wang, Dongxing Yuan, Xiaojing Li, Shuyu Nong. New monolithic stir-cake-sorptive extraction for the determination of polar phenols by HPLC. Anal Bioanal Chem (2013) 405:2185–2193
[17] Wei Jing, Shuiyuan Lv, Xi Tang, Liu Zhencai, Jiang Xiaofeng, Chfen Minshi, Li Xiaojing*, Chen Jinquan Chen et al. Simutaneous determination of melamine and cyanuric acid in food contact porducts by hydrophilic liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 37 th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques [HPLC 2011 Dalian]. Proceedings Part B: Posters, October 8-11, 2011 Dalian: 620
[18] Xiaojing Li, Agnes Fekete, Matthias Englmann, et al.. Development of a solid phase extraction – ultra performance liquid chromatography method for the analysis of bacterial N-acylhomoserine lactones from complex samples. Journal of Chromatography A 2006, 1135 (1): 101-108
[19] Xiaojing Li, Agnes Fekete, Matthias Englmann, et al.. At-line coupling of UPLC to chip-electrospray-FTICR-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, (398): 1439-1446
[20] Xiaojing Li, Jenoe Fekete, Agnes Fekete, et al..Optimization of gradient elution in UPLC; a core study on the separation of homoserine lactones produced by Bukholderia ubonensis and structure confirmation with ultra high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2007, 35(17): 2515-2531
2021 福州大学硕士研究生新生奖学金一等奖;
2023 福州大学硕士研究生中期优秀学业奖学金二等奖。