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日期:2022-02-23 发布人: 浏览量:

 2A4D68   姓名:余龙星



    邮箱:[email protected]



余龙星,博士,硕士生导师,入选福州大学“旗山学者”,省级高层次人才C类,博士后国际交流计划引进项目。担任中国消防协会科普教育工作委员会第八届委员会委员、福建省消防安全专家、福建省林业防灾减灾专家、中国工程热物理学会会员、中国消防协会会员、国际燃烧学会会员、国际火灾安全科学学会会员。出版专著3部,发表50余篇高水平论文,担任包括Fire Safety JournalTunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyEnergySafety ScienceFire and MaterialsFire Technology20余个国际期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、省部级科研项目3项,政府及企业技术服务项目3项。



­­­­­2013.10 - 2018.06,比利时Ghent University,消防安全工程,博士(导师:Bart Merci教授、Tarek Beji教授)

2011.09 - 2018.06,重庆大学,供热供燃气通风及空调工程,博士(导师:刘方教授)



2023.02 至今,福州大学,博彩平台 ,副教授

2020.09 - 2023.01,福州大学,博彩平台 ,讲师/校聘副研究员

2018.09 - 2020.08,中国科学技术大学,火灾科学国家重点实验室,博士后(导师:纪杰教授)











[1] 国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目,2023.01 - 2024.12, 主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2021.01 - 2023.12, 主持

[3] 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,2023.08 – 2026. 08, 主持

[4] 福州大学"旗山学者"科研启动基金,2020.12 - 2024.12,主持

[5] 建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室/国家建筑工程技术研究中心开放基金,2022.01 - 2023.12,主持

[6] 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题,2022.01 - 2023.12,主持

[7] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助二等资助,2019.05 - 2020.08, 主持

[8] 中国博士后科学基金会博士后国际交流计划引进项目,2018.09 - 2020.08, 主持

[9] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2021.01 – 2025.12, 参与


[1] 福州大学研究生教育教学改革项目,2021.10- 2023.10, 主持



[1] Yu L, Lei X, Huang P, Liu C, Zhang H, Yang F, Study on the combination effect of tunnel slope and longitudinal fire location on the asymmetric flow fields in a naturally ventilated tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2024;146: 105623. (IF=6.9, 中科院1, top期刊)

[2] Huang P, Lin X, Liu C, Fu L, Yu L*, A real-time automatic fire emergency evacuation route selection model based on decision-making processes of pedestrians, Safety Science, 2024;169: 106332. (IF=6.1, 中科院1, top期刊)

[3] Yu L, Chen Y, Chen S, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Liu C, Numerical analysis of the performance of a PID-controlled air curtain for fire-induced smoke confinement in a tunnel configuration, Fire Safety Journal, 2023: 103930. (IF=3.1, 国际火灾学会会刊)

[4] Huang P, Ye S, Xie J, Chen M, Liu C, Yu L*, Study on the maximum and longitudinal distribution of ceiling gas temperature in a naturally ventilated tunnel: The effect of longitudinal fire location, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023;185: 108037. (IF=4.5, 中科院2)

[5] Yu L, Wan H, Ji J, Study on the merged flame height and radiative heat flux distribution from square propane fire arrays, Fire and Materials, 2022;46: 845-55.

[6] Huang P, Ye S, Qin L, Huang Y, Yang J, Yu L*, Wu D*, Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022;172: 107341. (IF=4.5, 中科院2)

[7] Huang P, Chen M, Chen K, Zhang H, Yu L*, Liu C*, A combined real-time intelligent fire detection and forecasting approach through cameras based on computer vision method, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022;164: 629-38. (IF=7.8, 中科院1, top期刊)

[8] Huang P, Chen M, Chen K, Ye S, Yu L*, Study on an emergency evacuation model considering information transfer and rerouting: Taking a simplified H-shape metro station hall as an example, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022;124: 104485. (IF=6.9, 中科院1, top期刊)

[9] Chen M, Chen K, Liu C, Huang P*, Yu L*, Theoretical and experimental study on image noise reduction for improving camera-based fire detection performance in thermal environments, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022.

[10] Yu L, Wan H, Ji J, Asymmetric flow effect in a horizontal natural ventilated tunnel with different aspect ratios under the influence of longitudinal fire locations, Building Simulation, 2021;14: 1311-23. (IF=5.5, 中科院1)

[11] Yu L, Wan H, Gao Z, Ji J, Study on flame merging behavior and air entrainment restriction of multiple fires, Energy, 2021;218: 119470. (IF=9, 中科院1, top期刊)

[12] Wang Z, Yu L*, Ji J*, Numerical Investigation on the Asymmetric Flow Characteristics of Two Propane Fires of Unequal Heat Release Rate in Open Space, Fire Technology, 2021;57: 2181-203. (IF=3.4, 美国消防工程师学会会刊)

[13] Wang Z, Ding L*, Wan H, Ji J, Gao Z, Yu L*, Numerical investigation on the effect of tunnel width and slope on ceiling gas temperature in inclined tunnels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020;152: 106272. (IF=4.5, 中科院2)

[14] Guo F, Ding L*, Gao Z, Yu L*, Ji J, Effects of wind flow and sidewall restriction on the geometric characteristics of propane diffusion flames in tunnels, Energy, 2020;198: 117332. (IF=9, 中科院1, top期刊)

[15] Yu L-X, Liu F, Liu Y-Q, Weng M-C, Liao S-J, Experimental study on thermal and smoke control using transverse ventilation in a sloping urban traffic link tunnel fire, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018;71: 81-93. (IF=6.9, 中科院1, top期刊)

[16] Yu L-X, Liu F, Beji T, Weng M-C, Merci B, Experimental study of the effectiveness of air curtains of variable width and injection angle to block fire-induced smoke in a tunnel configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018;134: 13-26. (IF=4.5, 中科院2)

[17] Yu L-X, Beji T, Maragkos G, Liu F, Weng M-C, Merci B, Assessment of Numerical Simulation Capabilities of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS 6) for Planar Air Curtain Flows, Fire Technology, 2018;54: 583-612.

[18] Yu L-X, Beji T, Liu F, Weng M-C, Merci B, Analysis of FDS 6 Simulation Results for Planar Air Curtain Related Flows from Straight Rectangular Ducts, Fire Technology, 2018;54: 419-35.

[19] Yu L-X, Beji T, Zadeh SE, Liu F, Merci B, Simulations of smoke flow fields in a wind tunnel under the effect of an air curtain for smoke confinement, Fire Technology, 2016;52: 2007-26.

[20] 黄萍, 张文龙, 叶圣琳, 余君, 余龙星*, 基于TF-IDFVOSviewer的我国应急救援现状可视化分析, 中国安全科学学报, 2023;33: 196-205.

[21] 黄萍, 陈铭, 陈可欣, 刘春祥, 余龙星*, 卷积神经网络在建筑消防信息化的应用——以城市综合管廊火灾监控为例, 土木工程学报, 2022: 1-9.

[22] 黄萍, 秦亮, 余龙星*, 陈珊娜, 林煜垚, 黄璐妍, 综合管廊电缆桥架火灾的温度场分布特性, 福州大学学报(自然科学版), 2021: 1-7.

[23] 黄萍, 邓茜, 余龙星*, 综合管廊电缆火灾细水雾灭火效果数值模拟, 安全与环境工程, 2021;28: 80-87.



[1] 阳富强, 胡涛, 余龙星, 高校实验室安全管理信息双循环机制构建及其应用, 实验技术与管理, 2023: 205-11.

[2] 黄萍, 朱宏儒, 叶圣琳, 陈寅楠, 余龙星, 隧道火灾模拟与实验在安全工程专业课程教学中的联合应用, 化工高等教育, 2023;40: 106-12.

[3] 阳富强, 陈星霖, 刘春祥, 余龙星, 高校实验室危险化学品全过程管理Petri网模型及其应用, 化工高等教育, 2023;40: 92-99.

[4] 阳富强, 陈星霖, 余龙星, 基于云平台的高校实验室智慧应急管理系统构建, 化工高等教育, 2023;40: 76-83.

[5] 阳富强, 李鑫, 余龙星, 安全科学与工程硕士生培养的SWOT分析及对策, 化工高等教育, 2023;40: 15-20+81.

[6] 黄萍, 林夏军, 秦亮, 余龙星, 综合管廊电力舱火灾实验平台建设与教学应用, 实验室研究与探索, 2022;41: 217-19+305.

[7] 阳富强, 余龙星, 李鑫, 我国高校实验教学研究发展趋势可视化分析, 化工高等教育, 2022;39: 2-8.

[8] 阳富强, 黄玉杰, 施永乾, 余龙星, 基于“4R”理论的高校实验室应急管理研究, 化工高等教育, 2022;39: 115-20.



[1] 高层建筑火灾动力学,科学出版社 (ISBN: 9787030649409),参编

[2] CFBT室内烟火特性训练技术,应急管理出版社 (ISBN: 9787502097110),副主编

[3] 高校实验室安全教育,化学工业出版社 (ISBN: 9787122446183),副主编





2023,福州大学暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动 优秀工作者

2023,博彩平台推荐 青年五四奖章



2022,博彩平台推荐 第十四届青年教师“最佳一节课”竞赛 二等奖

2021,福州大学教学成果 二等奖(7/8



2017 - 2018, 连续获得Elsevier卓越审稿人奖(Build. Environ. 2017 Tunn. Undergr. Sp. Tech. 2018

2017,第五届“HACH市政环境杯”学术论坛优秀论文 二等奖


2015,比利时根特大学优秀学术交流基金 CWO Mobility Fund




2023,中国消防协会优秀硕士论文奖 (陈铭)

2023,第十六届“挑战杯”福建省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 一等奖 (陈铭、谢进祥、宋欣宸、董佳妮、郑欣婷、陈柳、林驹、陈可欣、叶圣琳)

2023,第七届全国高校安全科学与工程研究生论坛优秀论文 一等奖 (陈寅楠)

2023,福州大学2022-2023学年“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 一等奖(陈铭、谢进祥、宋欣宸、游璐萍、蒋良婷、蔡珊珊、郑欣婷、陈柳)

2022,中国消防协会科技年会优秀论文 一等奖(雷希文、陈铭)



2021,全国优秀消防科普宣传教育作品评选大赛 一等奖(叶圣琳、谢进祥、袁现茂、林驹、张浩博)



[1] Numerical analysis of the performance of a PID-controlled air curtain for fire-induced smoke confinement in a tunnel configuration, 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Tsukuba, Japan, 2023.10. 22 – 27. (Oral presentation)

[2] 隧道坡度与火源位置对烟气温度影响研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,合肥,2023.10. 12 – 15. (口头报告)

[3] A combined real-time intelligent fire detection and forecasting approach through cameras based on computer vision method, Academic Forum of the China Platform in Ghent University (CPAF 2nd edition), 2022.10.17 – 21. (Invited presentation)

[4] 城市交通联系隧道全横向排烟模式实验研究,第一届建筑防火大会,昆明2022.09.28.(邀请报告)

[5] Numerical investigation of the influence of the initial momentum and buoyancy at the plume source on the ceiling-jet properties, 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 2016. (Oral presentation)

[6] Analysis of the impact of the inlet boundary conditions in FDS results for air curtain flows in the near-field region, 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Rhodes, Greece, 2015. (Oral presentation)

[7] Parametric CFD study of an air curtain for smoke confinement, in: 2nd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2015. (Poster)

[8] Investigation of Mesh Sensitivity of FDS 6 Results for Air Curtain Flows, 23rd Journées d'Etudes, Brussel, Belgium, 2014. (Poster)





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