发表著作、学术论文名称 | 税伟,鲁黎明,黄玉碧等著. 现代烟草农业生产组织模式研究,北京:光明日报出版社,2013年. 税伟,张斌,戴林冲等著, 中国兴文世界地质公园绿色发展分析与创新对策,北京:光明日报出版社,2011年. 税伟副主编,农村发展规划(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),北京:中国农业出版社, 2009年. 税伟参编,农村发展概论(全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材),北京:中国农业出版社, 2004/2010年. 税伟参编,安徽省城市群空间发展战略及实施路径研究,合肥:安徽人民出版社,2009年. 税伟著,区域竞争力的宏观、微观理论与实证研究,成都:西南财经大学出版社,2008年. 税伟,杨震,张斌等著,都江堰市经济开发区现代服务业概念规划,成都:西南财经大学出版社,2008年. 王诚懿,税伟*,苏正安等. 基于地质灾害区划的农村居民点空间布局、用地演化研究:以震前都江堰市向峨乡为例.中国土地科学.2013,27(3):70-78.通讯作者. 税伟,Gregory Veeck,刘美霞等. 美国大学地理系举办规划专业的经验与启示.城市规划. 2012,(6):67-73. 税伟,李碧军,白剑平.基于能流的生态农户分析与设计方法研究.中国生态农业学报.2012,(7):945-955. 王雅文,税伟*,徐国伟等. 成都市新津县城乡建设用地增减挂钩农民安置区人居环境满意度分析.地理与地理信息科学.2011,27(5):74-78.通讯作者 税伟,徐国伟,王雅文等. 生态移民国外研究进展.世界地理研究.2012,21(1):150-157. 税伟.钻石模型在中国的检验与重构.西安交通大学学报(社科版).2011,31(4):14-20. 税伟,汪树群,刘复友等.“三农问题”的新“三化”途径探讨.农学学报.2011,(10) :65-68. 白剑平,税伟*.优势茶叶产区茶农农地流转意愿影响因素分析.林业经济.2011,(8):87-89.通讯作者. 税伟.区域竞争力的国际争论及启示.人文地理.2010,25(1):60-65. 税伟,冯贤惠,李松志等.山区产业与乡村城市化互动发展偏差与协调优化.科技进步与对策.2010,27(3):30-33. 税伟,陈烈.基于钻石系统的产业集群生命周期研究.商业研究.2009,(9):24-26. 税伟,陈烈. 产业集群竞争力的钻石系统分析框架与应用路径.经济问题探索.2009,(4):33-39. 税伟.区域制造业竞争力的评价模型、指标体系构建与应用:基于比较优势与竞争优势动态平衡的视角.工业技术经济.2009,28(3):68-72. 税伟.区域竞争力研究的经济地理学价值.国土与自然资源研究,2009,(1):13-15. 税伟,陈烈,唐常春.山区生态县区域协调发展的机制构建.山地学报,2006,24(1):70-78. 税伟,陈烈,张启春.粤北山区区域差距与协调发展战略研究.云南地理环境研究,2006,(2):80-85. 税伟,刘复友,陈烈.经济全球化下安徽省城乡空间协调发展战略.广东农业科学,2006,(2):89-91. 税伟,张启春,王山河.城市化对城市近郊乡村旅游地生命周期的影响分析.地域研究与开发,2005,24(6):89-92. 税伟,陈烈,王山河.城市化与城市近郊乡村旅游开发研究:以成都邛崃市鹤鸣村为例.地理与地理信息科学,2005,21(3):97-100. 税伟,陈烈,蔡克光.主成分分析方法在县域城镇体系空间布局规划中的应用:以广东省龙川县为例.规划师,2005,21(9):83-87. 税伟,陈烈,王华.工业化与山区生态县城镇化发展道路研究.小城镇建设,2005,(6):97-99. 税伟,陈烈,任杰.国外乡村城市化研究的起源、进展与比较.世界地理研究,2005,14(1):67-72. 税伟,陈烈,张启春.山区生态县城镇化的工业驱动力演变与调控研究:以粤北山区始兴县为例,热带地理.2005,25(4):356-360. 税伟,张启春,王山河等.当代美国地理学与可持续发展理论、实践:基于人地关系论的分析.地理与地理信息科学,2004,20(4):56-60. 陈勇,李首成,税伟等. 基于EKC模型的西南地区农业生态系统碳足迹研究.农业技术经济,2013,(2):120-128. 陈勇,税伟,李首成等.四川兴文县农田生态系统碳源/汇现状特征研究.西南农业学报.2012,25(2):584-588. 邹强,张文君,税伟等.基于ArcEngine的县域地质灾害数据采集与分析系统,科技导报,2011,(34):56-60. 王兴贵,税伟,唐德华. 水电开发对景区边缘型乡村旅游的影响与管治研究.中国人口·资源与环境.2010,20(Z):193-196. 张斌,舒成强,税伟等.云贵高原北坡石漠化地区近50a降水波动分析.长江流域资源与环境.2009,18(12):1157-1161. VEECK Gregory & SHUI Wei. China's Quiet Agricultural Revolution: Policy and Programs of the New Millennium. Eurasian Geography and Economics. 2011,(6):242-263. SHUI Wei & VEECK Gregory. China's Grain Production under Bottom-up and Top-down Patterns of Agricultural Reforms. Journal of Geography and Geology.2012,(2):22-35. SHUI Wei , XU Xueyi and WEI Yali. Influencing Factors of Community Participation in Tourism Development. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning.2012, (7):207-211. SHUI Wei . A Miraculous Ningguo City of China and Analysis of Influencing Factors of Competitive Advantage. Journal of Geography and Geology.2011,(1):207-214. SHUI Wei & WANG Xinggui. Geological Expedition and Analysis on Formation and Evolvement of Erosive Karst Tiankeng. Advanced Materials Research.2011, 250:2002-2006. SHUI Wei & SU Zheng-an. Analysis on Anthropogenic and Physical Influencing Factors of CO2 Concentration in Karst Cave Systems. Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011:2202-2205. WEI Yali, SHUI Wei and XIANG Yufei. Evaluation study on the ecological security of land resources in Xingwen County,PIAGENG 2010-Photonics and Imaging for Agricultural Engineering,2010,7752:51-56. |
英文简历 (Resume) | Wei SHUI Professor of Geography Email: [email protected] Mailing Address School of Environment and Resources Qi Shan Campus of Fuzhou University 2 Xue Yuan Road University Town, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108 P. R. CHINA Education Ph. D., 2006, Sun Yat-sen University M. A., 2001, Southwest University B. S., 1997, China West Normal University Teaching interests Rural Planning, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Eco-agriculture Planning Research interests Rural geography, Rural planning, LUCC and ecological effects, Remote sensing and GIS applications, Agritourism, Karst geopark. Bio Wei Shui started his professional career as a teaching assistant of Sichuan Agricultural University with B. S of geography of China West Normal University in July 7, 1997. From 1997-2012, he was gradually promoted to instructor, associate professor and professor in agronomy college at Sichuan Agricultural University. In 2007, he became deputy director of Center for Rural Planning and Research at Sichuan Agricultural University’s agronomy college. He had been studying in the fields of rural and regional development, city and regional planning before he obtained his Doctor’s degree from Sun Yat-sen University’s department of urban and regional planning in human geography in 2006. After graduated from Sun Yat-sen University, he applied for a postdoctoral position specializing in regional agriculture development at Sichuan Agricultural University in 2007. And he participated in the advanced training programs on postgraduate courses of social science research methods at Peking University in 2008 and on sustainable development and environmental management at Venice International University and University of Turin in 2011. From 2009-2010, he was a visiting professor and visiting scholar at Western Michigan University and Michigan State University specializing in urban and regional planning, rural environmental/ecological issues, remote sensing and GIS applications. Since 2007, he has been serving for Principal Investigator to Xingwen Global Geopark for geopark’s sustainable development research. He became the director of Joint Research Center for Xingwen Global Geopark Sustainable Development and chairperson of Xingwen Global Geopark Observation and Research Station for Geological Heritage and Environmental Protection in September 12, 2013. Shui’s research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund of China, National Geographic Research Fund(USA), Ministry of Hosing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Land and Resources, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Support Project, Education Bureau of Sichuan Province and local governments. Over 60 refereed articles based on research projects have been published in domestic and international journals such as Eurasian Geography and Economics, Human geography, City Planning Review, China Land Science, Geography and Geo-information Science, Journal of Mountain Science, Chinese Journal of Eco-agriculture, Areal Research and Development, Journal of Geography and Geology,World Regional Studies, and Tropical Geography. He has been invited to serve as an expert reviewer for international journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, and Chinese Geographical Science. Now, Wei Shui is a professor of geography and an urban-rural planner in school of environment and resources at Fuzhou University, and has research interests in rural geography, rural planning, agritourism, land-use and land-cover change and ecological effects, Karst geopark. |